Monday, October 13, 2008

Math 1050

Why does math have to be so complicated and when am I ever going to need to complete a square or use a quadratic equation. I'm just trying to get a degree in Horticulture, not be a rocket scientist. Blah!


Anthony said...

I can totally feel your pain. In fact, that is the very reason I choose the major that I did....ART. Math and art go together and scriptures, it just wasnt happening. I'd always get some smart-ass that would suggest math would come in handy. "If you have one quarter of a crayon, how much would you need to get a full crayon?!" My response was always, "Who the hell cares, I'll just go get a new box!" Again....I'm classy like that!

DJ and Kristin said...

You go girl! I am so PROUD of you!! Hang in there, you are a smartie!!

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Salt Lake City, Utah
I'm having new life experiences every day.