Monday, July 14, 2008

Riding Trax

So I've become quite the little trax rider these days. Sometimes when I am meeting friends downtown, I will ride trax instead of the hassle of trying to find a parking space or better yet... just the gas money. So Saturday I buy a one way pass to downtown for $2.00 and meet my friend at the Farmer's Market. We enjoy our walk around the market and then go to lunch. My friend drops me off at the nearest trax station and I notice my ticket has expired (you have two hours to make the return trip on the same ticket). All I have is a $10 bill and I don't want to break my $10 and get $8 back in coins. So I think to myself, I'm just going to chance it. All the times I've ridden trax I have never been asked for my ticket. So I wait and wait for the train. While waiting the downtown train comes by and drops off two UTA security guys. With them is a young man handcuffed. Hmmm.... I start thinking, maybe I should just buy a pass. NAH... I'm gonna chance it. So as I wait I have the devil and angel on my shoulders. I overhear another UTA worker talking to ladies that they need to buy a pass, don't get caught without one. UGH... so I go to the ticket machine and pull out my wallet... and thought again, no.... I'm gonna chance it. Finally my train arrives and I end up on the same cart as the security dudes and the handcuffed individual. I just sit quietly and looking non-suspicious. :) They finally get off one stop before mine and then another UTA security dude gets on... and what is his first words???? YEP! "Can I see your ticket please." UGH! At first I just pretended not to hear him, then he asked again. I reluctantly got my expired ticket out of my pocket and handed it to him and waited for my punishment.... and what he did is he glanced at it, and handed it back to me. What a relief! Guess I have learned my lesson. Just buy a ticket, no matter the cost or breaking of a bill. It's not worth the anxiety. :)


Fonzareli said...

O MY!! Glad things worked out 4 ya. I would have been crying and that would have totally given me away.

Anthony said...

You really need to consider changing the name of your blog....maybe something like..."The life of a thug" or perhaps "Livin la vida loca". Rumor has it that this last one might be taken, bastards!

Jana said...

I think the point is I'm not born to live on the edge. :)

DJ and Kristin said...

Jana I hope you kicked your Ex in the face..he is a jerk and loser!! wait does he read your blog?? anyways you are such a rebel living on the edge, riding trax with no ticket, what a brave women. Can't wait to see you!!

About Me

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Salt Lake City, Utah
I'm having new life experiences every day.